The Ministry of Health along with the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (Conicet), the Arturo Jauretche National University (UNAJ) and the El Cruce-Néstor Kirchner Hospital, have signed an agreement to promote the diploma in medicinal cannabis and its use.
The training has a duration of six months. It has been designed by the Medicinal Cannabis Research Program, under the National Directorate of Medicines and Health Technology of the Ministry of Health, the Network of Cannabis and its medicinal use of the Conicet and the UNAJ.
The objective of this project is to establish cooperation links to design trainings in medical and scientific research on the medicinal use of the Cannabis plant and its derivatives within the framework of Law No. 27,350 (medical and scientific research on the medicinal use of the cannabis plant and its derivatives) and its Regulatory Decree No. 883/2020.
This training is for users,cultivators, growers, teachers and researchers. Its main goal is to report on the progress made in the different subjects related to medicinal cannabis. Its botanical properties, basic and clinical research, therapeutic properties, social aspects and current legislation.
It should be noted that this project of diploma on medicinal cannabis and its use allows to deepen the knowledge and contributes from the training of human resources for the regulation of the law. Furthermore, it has professors from different fields of science and civil society, with extensive experience in the use of cannabis for medicinal and / or therapeutic purposes that allow to contribute an interdisciplinary perspective.

Your medical cannabis travel companion
Nowadays, many countries are developing regulations for the development of medical cannabis production. At Devecan we offer turnkey projects. We also have the best specialists in the sector to make your project a success.
Don’t miss anything about the use of medical cannabis and the evolution of the market. Also, don’t miss the latest news about how the process of legalisation of medical cannabis is developing in the world.
Laura Taibo
GMP Consultant